Friday, 25 March 2016


A.           Conclusion
The epilogue from this chapter is to give the answer towards problems formulated in research question. From the research of the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification) we can take some conclusions as following:
1.      Ibn ‘Arabī is dominated by his concept of wahdatul wujūd in explaining about the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification). He sees the reality of this ‘ālam (universe) is unvisible  as something else from the Form Essence as former all existing because the reality of universe is the manifestation (tajalli) of God’s names (asmā ilāhi).
2.      Al-Rāzī explains two methods of tasbīĥ (glorification). They are through tongue (lisānul maqāl) and with each condition (lisānul hāl). According to him something that alive and mukallaf is able to glorify Allah with two methods. First,  saying the sentence "Subĥānallah" through tongue. Second, with his each condition that shows Allah oneness and majesty. While witless thing, like animal and inanimate creature  glorify Allah  just by second method or with their condition as new creature. Al-Rāzī comprehends the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification) in metaphoric meaning (majāzi).   It is in the obedience meaning to follow  Allah laws (sunatullah) on it. Suitability and neatness of Allah creation shows that it is very perfect and congenial, not only in the form or work system as one unitary  but also in each part and details unit. That suitability is its tasbīĥ (glorification).[1]
3.      There are some differences between Ibn ‘Arabī and Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī in interpreting the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification). The first different is the interpretation approach that is used by Ibn ‘Arabī and Al-Rāzī.  Ibn ‘Arabī uses mystical approach and  esoteric meaning while al-Rāzī uses his rationality. The second  is in interpreting the way or process of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification). According to Ibn ‘Arabī, tasbīĥ (glorification) that done by everything in this universe is with each  specialty or readiness to receive God’s manifestation.  According to him tasbīĥ (glorification) as the process to gets annihilation and to reachs wahdatul wujūd. [2] However al-Rāzī state that there are two methods of tasbīĥ (glorification), through tongue (lisānul maqāl) and with each condition (lisānul hāl).   According to him something that alive and mukallaf  is able to glorify Allah through those two methods, first by saying the sentence "Subĥānallah" through tongue, second, with his each condition that shows Allah oneness and majesty. Al-Rāzī interprets the process of tasbīĥ (glorification) metaphorically (majāzi). [3] The third different is in regarding about universe itself. Ibn ‘Arabī divides ‘ālam (universe) into two part, material and spiritual, in other word he divided ‘ālam (universe) into physical and metaphysical while al-Rāzī divides ‘ālam (universe) into some groups i.e.  First, animate creature and mukallaf, second, animate creature and not mukallaf and third dead thing.  He considers that inanimate creature really is the creature which has not alive, felling, comprehension, science, ability and pronunciation.[4]
4.      The similarity between Ibn ‘Arabī and Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī in interpreting the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification) is both of them have a same opinion that tasbīĥ (glorification) is a process of purifying to God.

B.           Suggestion
After doing research about the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification), the author would like to give some suggestions as follows:
  1. Because of the limitation and lack of uncovering, discussing and understanding the interpretation of Ibn ‘Arabī and al-Rāzī, so there is a confusion and limitation in explaining their thought substance. So, it is expected to people to continue this discussion to be better.
  2. The author hopes that this research gives advantages, especially for author self and generally for whoever who want study about interpretation of Ibn ‘Arabī and al-Rāzī, especially in the concept of tasbīĥ al-‘ālam (universe’s glorification).

[1] Fakhr al-dīn al-rāzī, Tafsīr al-Kabīr au Mafātih al-Ghaib, Vol. 10 (Beirut: Dar al Kutub al-Ilmiah) p. 175
[2] Ibn ‘Arabī, Tafsīr Al-Qur’an al-Karīm,Vol. II (Beirut:Dar Yaqzah al-Arabiyah,1968) p. 597
[3] Fakhr al-dīn al-rāzī, Loc. Cit., p. 175
[4] Ibid.,

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